This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by ghostintheshell on 2021-07-11 11:57:59.
No reviews listed.
ghostintheshell said:
The movie has multiple female characters, but none of them talks to each other.
There is one very short scene, where a soldier talks to her superior, but only the superior is a named character.
Sad, because besides failing Bechdel test the movie entertained me quite well.
Message posted on 2021-07-11 11:57:59
C disagreed with the rating and said:
Both in the beginning and middle of the film Emmy soothes her daughter Muri when she has a bad dream. She also speaks to her later in the film as well. This movie passes all 3 tests.
There is one very short scene, where a soldier talks to her superior, but only the superior is a named character.
Sad, because besides failing Bechdel test the movie entertained me quite well.