Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Slap Shot (1977) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by dianecryannenguyen on 2020-06-28 10:32:24.



dianecryannenguyen said:
Scene in Francine's hair parlour where Lily and Francine bond over being single. Francine tells her she will feel like a new woman in no time. As Lily takes a seat, she seems self-conscious about how she looks. Francine, clearly excited about being able to help her with a new look, holds Lily's hair back and tells her that if she did her cheekbones right she "could look like Cher".
Message posted on 2020-06-28 10:32:24

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