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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Love Actually (2003) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Ally on 2010-05-03 14:30:38.



Stephen disagreed with the rating and said:
There are tons of women in the film but I can't think of a scene in which they're discussing something other than a man. Maybe the one small interaction between Sarah and Mia about Mia's music, but...really? That hardly qualifies...
Message posted on 2011-12-29 02:52:56
LadyVivamus said:
Stephen, there is a conversation between mother and daughter where the girl proudly tells her mother that she was cast as first lobster in the nativity play.
Message posted on 2012-03-08 07:03:57
Sam said:
Is the daughter named?

* reads script *

Yes! The daughter is named Daisy. Karen's (the mother) big brother the Prime Minister says "Good luck, Daisy, good luck, Bernie" much later in the film just before the nativity play.

Incidentally if there are any other qualifying conversations then I missed them. I'm glad this qualifies because the movie in general is quite skewed towards conversations about relationships (and about 15/16 relationships involve a man). The only notable scene in-which two named men have a conversation not about a woman is when the President and the Prime Minister are talking about policy. Even Billy Mac's conversation with the radio host mentions Britney Spears.
Message posted on 2012-03-17 16:28:25
Evans said:
I just about agree with LadyVivamus that the film probably scrapes a pass, although to verify this I would have to sit through the whole thing again, and I would rather pluck my eyeballs out with knitting needles!

It really is a stinker, both in its lack of a narrative arc, and it's barely concealed misogyny. Each separate story is told squarely through the eyes of the male protagonist, and involves the age-old madonna/whore dichotomy. The 'good' women include the tea-lady, cleaner and stay-at-home mother (ie those who clean up and wait on men), and, of course, the dead woman who is beyond reproach. These
are then contrasted against the evil career women, one of whom even wears devil's horns to the office party just to drum the message home. She then tries to seduce her married boss, who of course is portrayed as blameless.

It really wouldn't matter, and could be construed as yet another of the millions of male-centric, woman-bashing movies, except that it was directed by the much feted Richard Curtis, and has roped in the absolute cream of British movie stardom (Colin Firth - shame on you!)
Message posted on 2012-09-20 14:44:22
Chad said:
One plotline that was cut involved a lesbian relationship between Bernie and Daisy's headmistress and her dying lover.

The scene is actually quite touching and would have pushed this movie over the top.
Message posted on 2013-09-19 20:18:45
Niki said:
Everyone should keep in mind the cut storyline about Daisy and Bernie's headmistress and her partner, who eventually dies of cancer. Beautiful and touching, and no men involved.
Message posted on 2013-12-01 03:28:56
Brett said:
@Evans yeah most of this movie is centered around male leads, but I will make the case that there are two that are not. Sarah's story is certainly told through her eyes, while the porn stars story is mostly told through the eyes of the two of them. The only part that only has one of the two in it was briefly after their kiss when John jumps down the steps.

Also in regards to the good woman vs. bad woman thing, I don't really think the fact that Mia was working in an office was what made her the bad guy throughout the film. Her actions more so did that. And Sarah works in the same office and certainly is not portrayed as bad in any way. As for Harry being portrayed as blameless, that is fair although I always thought of him as a jerk for what he did. He was kinda bumbling around an affair as if there was nothing he could do about it.

I don't think that the movie is sexist, although it is certainly far from feminist. But to each their own, you clearly have a well thought out opinion and I am definitely not trying to change it.
Message posted on 2020-12-11 02:24:58

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