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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by a on 2017-07-07 17:41:12.



Artemis said:
There are at least three named female chracters in the film - Liz, Aunt May, and Michelle. The only scene I remember between two female characters was when Liz was talking about "F, Marry or Kill" with her friends, but none of them (except maybe Betty) were named, and they were talking about Spider-Man anyways, so it wouldn't count.
Message posted on 2017-07-25 00:24:54
Jake said:
Liz and Betty Brant discuss which of the Avengers they have crushes on. I think Betty is only named in the credits, though, so if that doesn't count then this rating should stay at 1.
Message posted on 2017-07-25 04:32:29
Sam said:
Great female characters- but unfortunately I don't think any of them speak to each other.

Maybe Liz and Liz's mum briefly.
Message posted on 2017-07-26 00:46:58
Adam said:
Near the end of the movie, Liz and Betty (the blonde who does the video announcements) have the briefest conversation about Liz moving away, before being interrupted by Peter. Also, Liz and Betty have a conversation earlier in the film with at least one other unnamed female character where they play eff/marry/kill about the Avengers, so it at least passes 2 of 3 tests.
Message posted on 2017-07-31 21:11:51
Camila said:
Liz and Betty (named on the TV screen as an anchor of the school's news team) talk briefly by the end, when Liz is moving out of the city.
Message posted on 2017-08-26 21:23:53
carla said:
LIz & Betty share a few talks, and also Liz and her mom.
Message posted on 2017-10-04 13:59:43
Adam said:
Several have disagreed and provided evidence that the rating needs to change... Can this be reviewed?
Message posted on 2017-10-31 14:44:04
Ted said:
It passes on two occasions:
1) liz and her mother :'Have fun', 'Thanks'.
2) Liz and her friend 'I'll miss you', 'Bye'.
These are technicalities, sure, but these are the test standards, let's be honest and true here.
Message posted on 2017-12-02 21:19:11
Ryan said:
Liz and Michelle talk during the quiz team scenes, even if only briefly.
Message posted on 2017-12-16 01:15:07
neil (webmaster) said:
I've updated the rating from 1/3 to 3/3.
Message posted on 2018-10-30 20:27:45

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