Avery: Hi, so we just figured out your style. So are these old clothes? Are they supposed to be vintage?
Kayle: No, more like homeless couture.
Lina: Look, I don’t care what you label whores think. Where I’m from, this is tight.
Avery: But you’re here now and you kind of stand out like bad teeth.
Lina: Look, if you guys want to take this outside, we can do this.
Kayla: Hold up, jalapeno.
Avery: Yeah, Cat you know, It’s one thing to be a fashion don’t, but unless you want them to give you a permanent facial, don’t threaten me.
Skye: Oh yeah.
Lina: Wow. She must have been an amazing cheerleader.
*Lina goes to touch a necklace in the cabinet*
Skye: No don’t! I don’t really like people touching her stuff.
Lina: Sorry.
Skye: It’s fine. It’s no problem. Here. Okay Come on. You do not wanna be late for your first day of school.
Lina: Right, because being the new kid is so much fun.
Skye: Ah-huh!