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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[2]] Ordinary People (1980) [imdb]

This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by Pastell on 2016-10-12 15:52:07.



Pastell said:
The two girls in the film, Karen and Jeannine, never meet and only speak to Conrad. Conrad's mother, Beth, only rarely speaks to another woman (on-camera anyway), one example being when she is arguing with her husband in front of her brother and sister-in-law towards the end. The two women don't share any significant dialogue as she is talking mainly to her husband and brother. Beth also has a brief exchange with a shop assistant, but the woman is unnamed.
Message posted on 2016-10-12 15:52:07
Otto disagreed with the rating and said:
Named women who don't speak to each other. Am I counting wrong, or is that just 1/3?
Message posted on 2017-02-23 21:51:16
Fergenaprido said:
I think 2/3 is correct, but a case could be made for 3/3 as well.

- Beth and her mother have a conversation, but it's about Beth's son Conrad.
- There is a brief scene where Beth speaks to Carol at the mall (simple greeting, "how are you", etc.), but Carol is only credited as "Shopper" in the end credits, so I'm not sure if this counts.
- An unnamed saleslady then speaks to her about a dress (credited as "Saleslady" - she has a name but the nametag is too small to read onscreen).
- Beth and Calvin are having a conversation with her sister Audrey and her husband Ward, and Beth directly asks Audrey "Would you tell me why it is I'm still hungry?", but Ward answers.
- Audrey speaks to Beth again briefly in her final scene when Beth gets mad.
Message posted on 2021-01-22 05:50:40
- disagreed with the rating and said:
1/3 No plot-driven/message-driven dialogue that is not centered around men. And the mother just up and leaves the family and is an all around a thin character. Moreover, the masculine push and pull of the psychoanalysis segments is both unprofessional and unrealistic (even if they hold genuine emotion and intention)
Message posted on 2021-09-27 02:45:40

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