Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[1]] Star Trek Beyond (2016) [imdb]

This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by jacehan on 2016-07-23 02:11:51.



jacehan said:
All of the female characters are separated for the entire movie. The closest we get is one shouting another's name while in danger - hardly dialogue.
Message posted on 2016-07-23 02:11:51
Mike said:
Totally failed. Had two main female characters who drove the plot, but never said a word to each other or any other other numerous women. Tons of opportunities for women to converse in the movie, but at the end it never happened. Thought that Star Trek had this problem figured out in the 1990s, but the reboot is clearly taking us all the way back to the 60s as far as representation goes.
Message posted on 2016-08-11 08:32:25
Fenris said:
Agreed with 1/3. There are at least four named female characters, they are empowered and important to the film, but they rarely meet and don't talk to one another.
Message posted on 2016-08-19 23:42:30
helene said:
Bechdel nightmare that one. Males are called Mister (except for Captain Kirk), and females are called by their first name all along. Jella takes a nice empowering fight but as soon as male arrives, hides behing him!!
Message posted on 2016-08-29 09:20:16
Sielah said:
The movie has five female speaking roles that I can think of - Uhura, Jaylah, Commodore Paris, Kalara and Ensign Syl. There is not ONE SINGLE SCENE I can think of where two of these women talk to each other.

The closest the movie comes is the scene where Krall tests the bioweapon in the presence of Uhura and Syl. All it needed was ONE LINE between them, but the writers couldn't even manage that.

Or if they'd had Uhura in the room with Paris and Kirk while they hold the initial interview with Kalara - she could have been there to program the translator. Then Uhura could have talked to both Paris and Kalara, and voila!

Given what Star Trek is supposed to represent, it's really damn sad that they couldn't scrape up a pass.
Message posted on 2016-08-31 04:11:07
Latos said:
This movie should be named Star Trek: Triggering LMAO
Message posted on 2016-11-04 02:45:00
R.E. said:
Helene, I want to correct you on what you said. There's a reason the term "Mr." is used. It's adapted from Navy terminology. Starfleet uses Navy ranks and (when it occurred to them) other navy jargon, e.g. "Number One" for the first officer.

In the Navy, a senior officer will address a junior officer as "Mister". Kirk called all his officers "Mister", except for the doctor, who has a separate title. He never called Uhura "Mister", but he did refer to "Mister Saavik" in The Wrath of Khan.

It dates back to Royal Navy traditions. You can see it used in the film Master and Commander, or in the film/book Mister Roberts. The exact usage depends on the time period; sometimes it was everybody below Commander; sometimes everybody but the Captain.
Message posted on 2017-01-12 17:53:24
Nicole said:
I sat through the whole movie wondering if this was some kind of Bechdel-tease.
Message posted on 2017-06-19 19:03:42
Tkarrde disagreed with the rating and said:
Another case where the failure really shows the problems of bechdel test. The point of the test was for 2 or more women to be leading in a movie where their character did not revolve around a romance with a man. It’s a technicality. Meanwhile we have movies where women mostly talk about a man the entire plot hinges on it but because they talk about one other thing it passes. This movie should pass simply because the test isn’t needed the women are not dependent on a man in the plot.
Message posted on 2019-03-12 02:05:14

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