This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by Lauren on 2015-07-29 04:38:17.
No reviews listed.
Lauren said:
This is a tricky movie to classify. It runs on the border of passing or failing the test. Jill and Rita talk about life and academics but all of their conversations include a discussion of Abe and sometimes mention Judge Spangler. Jill starts talking to April about life and academics, but ends the conversation by talking about Abe. It's not an overtly feminist film, but it is far from sexist. It has complex female characters.
Message posted on 2015-07-29 04:38:17
DG disagreed with the rating and said:
It passes. Jill talks to April about their hair and with Carol(?) about horseback riding. Most of the conversations are about Abe or the judge but there are a few exchanges that aren't about men.
Message posted on 2015-09-02 17:45:03
r. disagreed with the rating and said:
DG is correct; plenty of conversations are not about men, or not just about men.