Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] The Giant Mechanical Man (2012) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by LucyW on 2014-10-05 17:54:15.



LucyW said:
There are three female characters (two are main characters) who have plot-relevant conversations about things other than men. Men and romance are sometimes included in those conversations but they're not necessarily the main feature. There's a job interview, making plans for moving between sisters, a job promotion conversation, and a fight between the sisters about how they interact and what needs to change. There are two other minor, named female characters but one doesn't interact with other women and the other is only in one scene and only speaks to another woman to be introduced.
Message posted on 2014-10-05 17:54:15

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