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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] The Wasp Woman (1959) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests (although dubious). It was entered by trina B on 2013-07-25 06:04:17.



trina B said:
This movie is tricky... there are several named female characters. There is one conversation at 38 minutes into the movie where two named characters talk about something other than a man, but it lasts just over 30 seconds. it is a short conversation, not just a two-line exchange, but if that were the only verbal exchange between women I wouldn't pass it... Not very substantial. However, women do talk a lot in this movie, and usually start talking about things other than men, but the conversation always ends up about men, or men are mentioned, The most striking example is a conversation that lasts over a minute at 39:10 into the movie which is mostly about Janet starling becoming young again, but typical of all the other conversations between women in the movie, the secretary mentions men very briefly.

FYI, though unrelated to the bechdel test, this movie is NOT feminist, despite its representation of a female CEO. But it was in the 50's, big surprise. It's also not a good movie in general.. the plot is predictable and the score is really irritating. Wouldn't watch it, even for nostalgic value.
Message posted on 2013-07-25 06:04:17

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