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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] The Wolverine (2013) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Victor on 2013-07-24 19:36:23.



Victor said:
Yukio and Mariko speak to one another in Japanese about the latter not answering the former's e-mails, worrying her, the first time that the two are on screen with one another. I'm sure there are more examples between these two, and there are also short exchanges between each of them and Viper.

Though most of the women's conversations throughout the movie are about the men primarily driving the plot, Yukio and Mariko do have a well-developed relationship that other characters also reference more than once, for whatever that's worth.
Message posted on 2013-07-24 19:36:23
Charlie Brown said:
They 'talk' to each other but conversation is very empty:
Yukio and Viper threaten each other as they fight.

A: It is time for you to die
B: It is not my time yet
Message posted on 2013-07-25 14:57:48
Wendy said:
Yukio and Mariko are shown talking on three separate occasions , and all three times they talk about their friendship. At the end of the movie, as the two of them prepare to separate ways, Yukio and Mariko call each other sisters, a throwback to the beginning of the movie when Yukio tells Wolverine that she is not Mariko's biological sister and to a scene where Mariko's father calls Yukio a toy that Mariko has outgrown. The two women's relationship is obviously very meaningful, a fact that is acknowledged several times in the movie.
Message posted on 2013-07-27 15:38:54
James said:
- This movie has three major female characters with speaking roles. Only one (the villain) does much to move the story on her own. One is Wolverine's sidekick, the other is a damsel/romantic interest. Finally, Jean Grey frequently shows up in dreams or as a figment of Logan's imagination.

- The female characters do speak to each other about Wolverine and Yashida, but also the film's mystery/conspiracy plot, and their interpersonal struggles.

- Yukio, Mariko and Viper are not over sexualized (Viper comes the closest) and neither is made out to be overtly less competent than the male characters.

- There is one near "male gauze" invoking scene but it comes when Logan and Yukio walk in on another character's cheating boyfriend and we are meant to think the characters behavior is as disgusting as Logan and Yukio find it

- So being as objective as possible, I think this movie is pass on female representation. But I also think it would win gold in the Asian movie character stereotype Olympics, which like Pacific Rim, I guess is another matter all together.
Message posted on 2013-07-27 20:22:32
Rodrigo Ortiz Vinholo said:
Wait a sec - isn't this entry a double? Here's the other one: view/4388/the_wolverine/

And about the rating, there's plenty of conversation between Yukio and Mariko that sets a lot of their background story, and shows they have a sister-like relationship. It passes.
Message posted on 2013-07-29 03:19:23
Ame said:
There are actually two conversations that pass the test. They are bookends to the film with one taking place near the beginning and one at the end of the film and both between the same two women. The first, references what Charlie Brown already posted, though there was a bit more to it. In the second, one tells the other she is all the family she has left and there is some additional sentiment expressed. The movie does pass the test, but is limited to these short exchanges. Still, surprising to find a loving friendship between two females in an otherwise mostly male action film.
Message posted on 2013-07-29 03:29:38
Dappercat said:
There was a lot of good conversation between Mariko and Yukio, so I think this movie passes. I can't remember all of what they talked about, but I believe some of it at least wasn't about men.
Message posted on 2013-07-29 03:30:22
actually said:
Actually, Yukio and Mariko have a conversation about her well-being pretty early in the movie. And there are several named female characters who all get a lot to do.
Message posted on 2013-07-29 16:34:49
Nique said:
Yukio and mariko also talk very briefly about Mariko not answering emails and Yukio says she is worried about her.
Message posted on 2013-07-29 18:33:25
Jenn said:
Yukio and Mariko also talk about their relationship and hw they haven't talked in a while
Message posted on 2013-07-29 19:24:47
Lauren said:
Yukio and Markio speak only briefly at the beginning and the end but they have a fairly lengthy phone conversation in the middle of the film. Yukio and the Viper speak to each other at the end. Yes, they do more fighting than speaking, but I think that physical combat counts as an interaction between two women.

Also, the woman behind the counter at the hotel had a name (I forget what it is, but she had one) and she speaks with Mariko in an exchange that is somewhat more interesting than your typical hotel room clerk speech (and is about the rooms and not a man). And then she ends up volunteering her veterinarian son to help and injured wolverine. (My point is she has a name and her part ends up a little more interesting than your standard "person at counter" role).

So, as I see it, this one passes with flying colors. Suprisingly bechdel-friendly as far as comic book action movies with a male protagonist go.
Message posted on 2013-07-31 16:54:56
tutti said:
Both of these characters were terrible, underdeveloped and follow sexist/racist Asian stereotypes. Their conversations ALL mention or directly reference Wolverine so they DO NOT PASS. Anyone who thinks this movie is anywhere near feminist is out of their minds.
Message posted on 2013-08-04 00:54:02
Lot said:
I really disagree with this rating. they may be stereotypes but can anyone tell me another comic book film that has women being FRIENDS in it? I was shocked!
Message posted on 2013-08-04 12:10:09
Coolbro said:
You people think THIS movie doesn't pass? You're all fucking nuts. There were MORE women than men. It was FINE.
Message posted on 2013-08-04 20:03:37
James said:
I agree that this movie could probably win the Asian movie character stereotype Olympics. But they have interactions about their relationship that do not directly related to Wolverine. Women overall are not made out to be less competent than men.

Viper is the key political player in the movie, and is only beaten when Yukio joins the final battle.

And like Lot said,seeing a female friendship in this kind of movie is rare.Off the top of my head I can't think of another example.
Message posted on 2013-08-15 17:21:35
John said:
The movie, as the title suggests, is about Wolverine. The talks between women are mostly transactional. Almost all of Mariko's discussions are with men, for example.
I don't say that it's wildly sexist, only that it's also not wildly feminist.
Message posted on 2013-08-19 12:36:09
habert said:
@tutti no one said it was a feminist film, just that it passes the test. Which I think is pretty cool considering it was a super hero film with a male lead.
Message posted on 2013-08-22 16:39:47
Manly McStud said:
I recall Yukio and Mariko having at least one extended exchange... Logan is eventually mentioned but not for quite a while. This site was the first thing I thought of :)

I noticed that when they bust in on Mariko's husband with the two good-time girls, Yukio passes one of them her purse as she flees. I liked that, sort of a small gesture of female solidarity... though maybe I'm reading more into it than was meant.

Whatever else you can say about it, it features a good friendship between two women, one of whom (Yukio) is primarily motivated by that friendship rather than romance with the male lead. Not common for a film about men beating the crap out of each other.
Message posted on 2013-08-29 16:04:53

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