Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Pretty in Pink (1986) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Zarah on 2013-07-07 21:18:48.



Zarah said:
Andie and Iona speak mostly about men, but the bullies in school talks to Andie about less pleasant things.
Message posted on 2013-07-07 21:18:48
LIza disagreed with the rating and said:
I disagree completely. The rule is they can not talk about a man, but they do therefore the movie fails the test.
Message posted on 2015-12-14 04:08:52
Clarissa said:
There are actually multiple moments in the movie where two women speak to each other not about men. An example would be when Jenna speaks to her gym teacher. Andie is also a part of the conversation as well as their two bullies. There are also moments when Andie and Iona are speaking to each other like when they are talking about prom dresses or Iona's "great butt" that she wished she took pictures of.
Message posted on 2016-10-08 02:46:20
Michelle disagreed with the rating and said:
I disagree, because Andie is constantly talking about how amazing Blaine is to Iona and even to Duckie, which proves that one of the test is wrong.
Message posted on 2019-03-07 13:09:33
shorty said:
LIZA: The rule is NOT that women cannot have a conversation about men. No movie ever made could pass that test. The rule is that at some point during the movie at least one conversation is not about men. And there are a few in Pretty In Pink.
This is also a good example of how the strictness and specific wording of the Bedschel Test is not a great indicator of overall feminism in a film. A movie made by women, about women, for women, might have a hard time passing the test if they converse a lot about men in general, not as sex objects or providers, but just as friends or enemies or men in general. Whereas a lot of hardcore and softcore porn can easily pass the test because groups of women sit around (usually naked) having conversations about all kinds of things besides men. They are hardly feminist. The Bedschel Test really wasnt about overall feminism, just about a woman who wanted to watch films that were not completely male-centric. Its a hard test to pass simply because women interact with men regularly cuz the planet is about 50/50, roughly.
Message posted on 2021-08-09 12:08:43
shorty said:
Yeah its hard to pass the wording of the test but easy to pass the spirit of the test. Women talk about lots of stuff but its a movie about teenage relationships and thats the bulk of the dialog. Of course men have to be mentioned in conversation. The only way to avoid that is to have a movie with nothing but lesbians and the lesbians can never mention a man for any reason, which is so unlikely its not worth debating. This is a 3/3 and more pro-feminist than most of the crap from the 80's.
Message posted on 2023-06-25 01:05:52

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