Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Struck by Lightning (2012) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests (although dubious). It was entered by Nellie on 2013-07-02 07:12:00.



Nellie said:
There are several named female characters in the film. They are shown interacting, but the only, clear-cut conversation that occurs is between Sheryl and April. They talk about April moving to clover, her baby and Sheryl warns her about throwing away her dreams on another person. However, their conversations do mention/focus on men some where it makes the pass ambiguous.
Message posted on 2013-07-02 07:12:00
Beth said:
Claire and Malerie also share some conversation about things not related to boys. They're insulting each other, but still.
Message posted on 2013-07-08 05:43:57

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