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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[1]] Mud (2013) [imdb]

This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by Al on 2013-04-29 20:01:26.



Nancy Folsom said:
The two, named female characters with speaking parts (and there are _just_ two), do not talk with one another, much less about anything unrelated to men. The males are nurturing, caring, loving of one another, whereas one women breaks up the family for her own vaguely stated (selfish) need and the other has toyed with the emotions of her man, putting him in jeopardy.
Message posted on 2013-05-01 13:51:57
Clarence said:
There are three named female characters and one more female speaking part. They are never even in a scene together let alone speak.

The film just isn't interested in them. They are victims, villains or objects of desire for the men and that's it.

Very disappointing for a film that is so thoughtful when it comes to men's thoughts and motivations.
Message posted on 2013-05-22 09:13:51
Laurel said:
While it did not pass the test, I greatly disagree with the concept that women were made to be only victims of villains.

Yes, the men portrayed make the women in their lives out to be villains, but towards the end of the film it is delicately explained through conversations with the males that this was a concept they created/ The mother is not one-dimensional, needs change in her life, and needs to be supported equally as the male/ Some people will break your heart, but keep yourself open and one day you may just find someone who treats you as you deserve.

Yes, the father of the main character speaks opposite of these lessons, but the point is that you recognize a man who has been hurt and is acting out, just like any normal human behaves. It is a common move in divorce, where each parent villainizes the other, but it also plays a key role in the main characters conversation with Mud later--and that is to not let life make you bitter, to remain strong and loving.

It is a film in which you need to be attentive and careful as it steers you through it, by steering yourself through the real message. To say it is anything less than an intricate look at the burns everyone receives in love (men and women alike) is to say you were taking what you were watching at face-value.
Message posted on 2013-07-13 16:43:43
Thomas said:
Thank you Laurel. I think you are completely right. This is a movie that tries to show that it's all about perspective, and that the villanization being done to some characters are much more connected to the persons feelings about the villanized person rather than what that person is actually about.
Message posted on 2013-09-15 08:58:16

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