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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Shallow Hal (2001) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by luminum on 2013-04-15 03:39:27.



luminum said:
There are numerous named, female characters, but the conversations they have with one another are mostly about men.

However, there are two that pass by the skin of their teeth and a few others that might pass.

Rosemary says hi to her mother, who refers to her affectionately as "Rosie", then introduces her as "Mrs. Shanahan".

Rosemary and Hal are waiting for Walt's new girlfriend and Nurse Tanya Peeler arrives, causing Rosemary to say, "Tanya..." and Tanya to reply, "...What a surprise...".

Hall introduces his old girlfriend Jill to Rosemary and the two say hello to one another.

There are two other conversations that might pass:

Mrs. Shanahan tells Rosie that they love her, and Rosie replies saying "Mom..." as Rosemary and Hal head off to do their Peace Corps service.

When Rosemary takes Hal to the children's ward, Tanya walks in demanding to know from Rosemary who Hal is and that he's not authorized to be there. Rosemary explains that the TWO of them are there to cheer the kids up. Tanya coldly tells them to leave and tells Rosemary to make sure the kids are back in their beds. Hal is a quasi-subject in parts of the conversation.

However, despite the fact that it just barely passes the Bechdel Test, it also just barely passes the Reverse Bechdel Test.

All the named Male characters are always talking in some way about women, or Hal's relationship issues with women. There are only two instances where it passes:

Rosemary introduces Hal to her old boyfriend, Ralph, and Ralph's friend Li-Boy and they say hello.

Later, when Hal seeks out Ralph, he runs into Li-Boy in his regular form, and they catch up really briefly for Hal to realize who he is and for Hal to ask him where Ralph is. When he finds Ralph, he tells him not to hurt Rosemary.

There are a few other dubious Reverse Bechdel situations. Hal talks with Steve Shanahan, Rosemary's father, about work and work ideas, but in all these conversations, the topic eventually shifts over to Hal's relationship with Rosemary.
Message posted on 2013-04-15 03:39:27

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