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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Safe Haven (2013) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by kwajrunner on 2013-02-19 17:43:47.



kwajrunner said:
The main character and a sub-character have several (although not long) meaningful conversations about various topics. Also, the main character and a little girl have some meaningful interaction.
Message posted on 2013-02-19 17:43:47
Hazel said:
While the main character and a sub-character have conversations about someone who isn't the leading man, they seem to mostly about the actions of the abuser / cop.

On a technicality, do children count as 'women'? And they interact, but I'm not sure it's conversation.

If I'm being generous, it's possible that the lead character had a conversation with the bar owner about getting a job, but I don't recall if the actual discussion took place...
Message posted on 2013-12-11 01:05:39
ntw said:
I think this movie clearly meets the Bechdel Test. Even if Lexie (the little girl) does not qualify because she is not a "woman," Katie converses with Jo and Maddie about something other than a man.

Safe Haven has four main female characters that have names: Katie, Maddie, Lexie, and Jo. Katie is the only one that talks to the other characters. She talks to them about many things, some being paint, work, and life in general. They also talk about men, but that is not all they talk about.

The first conversation between two female characters with names was between Katie and Maddie at Ivan's Restaurant about 8 minutes into the movie. It went like this:
Katie (has not said her name yet): Excuse me
Maddie (name is on name tag): Yeah
Katie: Is your owner available?
Maddie: I'm the owner. How can I help you?
Katie: Do you guys have any job openings?
Maddie: Uh, well, we've been awfully busy lately. I might be able to work you in. Do you have any experience?
Katie: Yes. I have experience.

The other conversation between Maddie and Katie occurs about 45 minutes into the movie and is about spearing fish.

The second conversation Katie has with another girl is Lexie, Alex's young daughter. The converse quite frequently throughout the movie. Usually they talk at the General Store about what Lexie is doing. Their first conversation was about 12 minutes into the movie and is about Katie:
11:40 General Store
Lexie: Hi
Maddie: Hi. Um, are your mom and dad around?
Lexie: Um, no, but I can help you. Looking for anything?
Maddie: Well, now that you ask, uh, do you have any paint?
Lexie: Um, we have this book thats um, all the different kinds of colors that you can get you can get.
Maddie: Oh, really? That would be great.
Lexie: What are you painting?
Maddie: I'm...I'm painting my kitchen floor.
Lexie: *giggles* The floor!?
Maddie: Why is that so funny?
Lexie: Because you usually don't paint floors! You usually put a rug on it.
Maddie: Well, I'm thinking that I want to brighten the place up. So, What's a happy color?
Lexie: Mmmm, there's yellow.
Maddie: Yellow?
Lexie: Yeah, the color of the sun!
Maddie: Okay! That is happy! I think you just sold me on that! Alright!
Lexie: I can go get some samples for you. I'm Lexie.
Katie: Okay, I'm Katie.
Lexie: Hi Katie
Katie: Thank you.

Katie also converses with Jo quite frequently. They are always outside walking around or in Katie's house. This was their first conversation, about 15 minutes into the movie:
Katie: Can I help you?
Jo: Oh! You scared me! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be snooping. I wish I had a good excuse, but its just idle curiosity. You're the first neighbor I have had out here in ages.
Katie: Yeah, my realtor said I didn't have close neighbors.
Jo: Oh, Well, I'm not close by city standards. I'm Jo by the way.
Katie: Katie
Jo: Nice to meet you. Um, look, I moved out here for the same reason you did I think, to get some peace and quiet. So I get it if you...
Katie: Yeah, I like that I can hear myself think.
Jo: Yes. Thank you! Isn't it so nice to be away from all that noise and that chatter. I mean, it can be a little bit deafening sometimes. It's nice to meet someone as rustically inclined as I am.
Katie: Ok
Jo: Alright, well it was nice to meet you!
Katie: Yeah, you too.
Jo: I'm down the road if you need anything. I'm stronger than I look, so if you get in any trouble...I'm sorry again.
Katie: It's ok.
Jo: ok
Katie: Walk safe

Other conversations between Jo and Katie are about Alex, Lexie's drawing, life goals, future plans, and natural beauty.

This movie clearly meets the standards for the Bechdel Test, more than once. There are four female characters that talk to each other about something other than a man, although some talk about that as well.
Message posted on 2014-03-08 01:26:12

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