Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance (2002) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests (although dubious). It was entered by kei on 2012-09-30 05:27:24.



kei said:
Ryu's sister asks Yu-sun (the kidnapped girl) about her mother before Ryu interrupts her. Marked 'dubious' because Ryu's sister isn't properly named but is arguably of sufficient importance overall to count anyway. Notably the film just barely squeaks by -- Ryu's sister and Yu-sun's conversation is the only interaction between female characters -- but the film does have minimal dialogue overall.
Message posted on 2012-09-30 05:27:24

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