This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by Rachel on 2011-12-03 17:36:43.
No reviews listed.
Rachel said:
Evy is practically the only woman in the entire film
Message posted on 2011-12-03 17:36:45
Emily said:
It's not dubious; the entire opening scene revolves around Anck Su Namun, who also reappears at the end (although at that point she's a reanimated mummy).
Message posted on 2013-09-12 22:28:23
Emperror said:
Well, they meet and the almost hava a talk...
Message posted on 2015-01-17 21:01:30
Adam said:
I don't entirely agree (sorry, not trying to mansplain here). Though there are some problems with how things are done in the movie, especially with white people playing BIPOC, but some do argue that there is a lot of feminism portrayed that isn't apparent at first glance; see lena-in-a-red-dress, Grace Duffy, Emma Stefansky, Jessica Maria MacFarlane, Tricia Ennis, Allie Hayes, feministfairytales, and others for an analysis of Evelyn as a strong female character and inspiration.
Evelyn Carnahan (Evelyn O'Connell in the sequel; also the incarnation of Nefertiti) is arguably the main character of the movie, Anck-su-namun is a developed secondary character, and they have two conversations that aren't about men, first near the start where Anck-su-namun and Nefertiti (also played by Rachel Weisz) have a fight, and again near the end of the movie where Anck-su-namun is trying to kill Evelyn as a sacrifice for her resurrection and her hatred of her as the reincarnation of Nefertiti (though the latter conversation is mostly just yelling and screaming).
Granted, this argument might be a stretch for the Bechdel test, but it's not so clear cut.
Message posted on 2020-09-08 21:50:29
Adam said:
I agree the film is a 1/3. But I don’t understand what is “Dubious” about it. Evelyn and Anck-Su-Namun are two named female characters with dialogue. It clearly passes the first part of the test. Nothing dubious about it.