This movie passed 2 of 3 tests. It was entered by Blacksymbiote on 2011-11-02 03:25:41.
No reviews listed.
Blacksymbiote said:
Meg Ryan plays multiple roles in this film, and in one scene, the two half-sisters talk to each other briefly, but primarily only about their father.
Message posted on 2011-11-02 03:25:42
MikeMcDevitt47 disagreed with the rating and said:
It's the "primarily" that gets me. Between talking about their father and talking about Joe, Angelica asks Patricia about her mood, and Patricia answers her in the negative. That's a full pass as I see it.
Message posted on 2013-10-05 13:04:03
BubblesSugarCheeks disagreed with the rating and said:
I would say this movie passes, but barely. It’s only three sentences that pass, but they are there