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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] Hairspray (2007) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Samuel Gilbert on 2008-09-20 04:34:26.



Samuel Gilbert said:
Tracy and her mom talk about all sorts of things.
Message posted on 2008-09-20 04:34:26
Balthazar said:
If we need a hard example: During "Welcome to the 60s", Tracy and Edna spend at least two minutes discussing (in the form of a musical number) Edna's reluctance to leave the house.
Message posted on 2013-10-13 11:26:16
Molly Montgomery said:
Mabel and Tracy march against segregation during an entire musical number.
Message posted on 2014-10-19 21:32:48
Brandy said:
I was actually wondering if conversations between Tracy and Edna count since Edna is played by John Travolta. Movie still passes due to conversations between Tracy and little Inez and Mabel.
Message posted on 2014-11-05 15:01:50
Antonio said:
Brandy, Edna is a female character, even if she's always played by men
Message posted on 2014-12-05 15:36:38
DJ Greg said:
Brandy, while Edna is played by a man, she's still identified as a female character, so the conversation counts.
Message posted on 2014-12-06 11:41:53
TheEchoGirl said:
There's also the scene between Tracy and Penny in the basement of Penny's house; they talk about the room and about Tracy's hair.

Also, the dialogue right before "I Know Where I've Been" is right on the edge; a male character is mentioned by name but he's not really the subject of the conversation.

Maybelle: You're going to pay a heavy price. You'll never dance on TV again.

Tracy: If I can't dance with Seaweed and Little Inez, then I don't want to dance at all. I just want tomorrow to be different.
Message posted on 2018-10-16 06:24:36

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