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Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[3]] The Lookout (2007) [imdb]

This movie passed 3 of 3 tests. It was entered by Kelly Garbato on 2010-07-12 03:50:14.



Kelly Garbato said:
There are a half dozen minor female characters in 'The Lookout,' but none of the women ever really talk to one another - except for one brief scene, in which two women engage in minor small talk whilst preparing Thanksgiving dinner. However, the entire scene is (literally) staged for the benefit of the lead male character (think of the contested scene between Uhura and Gaila in 'Star Trek'), so this is a very weak pass.
Message posted on 2010-07-12 03:50:14

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