Charlotte says to Kitty to get the sheets in over the phone.
Message posted on 2023-07-21 20:22:30
jose sanchez said:
I don't think that interaction is a valid 'conversation' she ansers the phone, listens to a message from a man and then does not responds anything.
Either they don't actually talk, or the conversation is about a man
Message posted on 2023-08-04 04:43:38
Menschtoon said:
Charlotte is relaying to Kitty a message from a man so they’re having a conversation about a man
Message posted on 2023-08-04 19:22:24
Lyn said:
Charlotte talks to Kitty about what Oppenheimer said. She's literally quoting a man
Message posted on 2023-08-05 23:09:02
Elsie said:
De ene lijn gaat erover dat de atoombomtest van Oppenheimer geslaagd is, en dat is een man.
Een lijn kan ook nauwelijks een conversatie genoemd worden. Niet passed.
Message posted on 2023-08-06 16:13:59
Lenny said:
Bruh that was about Oppie. Dirk...
Message posted on 2023-08-06 23:50:13
Pinar said:
Charlotte relays a message by Oppenheimer to Kitty. It’s not unrelated to a man.
Message posted on 2023-08-07 07:05:36
Ginn said:
Didn't she say "Robert told me to tell you to get the sheets in" or something similar? Either way she was just delivering Oppi's message, right?
Message posted on 2023-08-07 13:07:03
Erik said:
The only conversation between two women are a forwarding of a message from a man, thus its about a man.
Message posted on 2023-08-07 15:36:18
Robert said:
The content of the call was a coded message from Robert Oppenheimer. It was made at the direction of a man and was understood by Kitty as such. Even if it counts as a "conversation," I would argue it's not "about something besides a man."
Message posted on 2023-08-08 02:56:16
Shayan said:
Charlotte passes on this message from Oppenheimer
Message posted on 2023-08-08 11:20:37
G said:
The comment by Dirk is an incorrect interpretation of the scene as Charlotte is relaying a message from Oppenheimer (a man) to Kitty. So technically, the two were still talking about a man.
Message posted on 2023-08-09 12:46:01
Marc said:
Charlotte tells Kitty that Robert (Oppenheimer) asked her to tell Kitty to get the sheets in. So they are actually talking about the guy.
Message posted on 2023-08-09 22:13:59
max said:
I not sure it counts, as its a message from Oppenheimer and not something said from Charlotte.
Message posted on 2023-08-10 08:14:33
Sparky said:
A woman says one sentence over the phone to another, to which the second woman doesn’t respond and drops the phone. In my view, this interaction should not be considered a “conversation”
Message posted on 2023-08-10 14:12:20
Angelina said:
I do not feel this should make the film pass the test, since Charlotte only tells her that on behalf of her husband.
Message posted on 2023-08-10 22:30:19
Kate said:
This is a woman passing on a message verbatim from Oppenheimer to his wife. One woman does technically say the words to another, but they are his words. It’s a stretch to say this is a conversation between two women.
Message posted on 2023-08-12 08:20:08
Elisa said:
Charlotte does solely talk about Robert, a man, in this conversation, since "get the sheets in" is a code he created to tell Kitty whether his own project has been successful or not.
The conversation of Kitty and Charlotte does not go beyond sharing whether Robert has been successful or not.
Message posted on 2023-08-12 16:30:30
Elisa said:
Charlotte does solely talk about Robert, a man, in this conversation, since "get the sheets in" is a code he created to tell Kitty whether his own project has been successful or not.
The conversation of Kitty and Charlotte does not go beyond sharing whether Robert has been successful or not.
Message posted on 2023-08-12 16:31:44
FG said:
Charlotte says to Kitty to bring the sheets in over the phone on behalf of Robert, and as a symbol of Robert's success.
Message posted on 2023-08-12 17:12:09
Ana said:
The message related to Kitty by Charlotte is about Oppenheimer.
Message posted on 2023-08-12 18:02:42
Keely said:
The message about getting the sheets over the phone is about a man's success.
Message posted on 2023-08-15 14:56:47
Patricia Kelly said:
Completely disagree with the rating based on the simple rules. Please amend. Belittles the whole idea!
Message posted on 2023-08-16 08:39:49
Nicola W said:
This is one of the most sexist, unequal films I have seen for a long time. Gratuitous boob shots that aren't matched by any kind of male nudity...this rating needs to be taken down!
Message posted on 2023-08-16 12:52:04
No said:
It doesn't count
Message posted on 2023-08-17 19:44:49
Ju said:
Clearly disagree with this. No women had a conversation with each other, at all, in this movie. It has to be removed from the list.
Message posted on 2023-08-21 07:49:24
Miky said:
This movie doesn't pass the third rule.
How can it still show like it passes when all of these comments are disagreeing?
Message posted on 2023-08-21 14:00:51
neil (webmaster) said:
I've updated the rating from 3/3 to 2/3.
Message posted on 2023-08-24 06:10:58
GreGG disagreed with the rating and said:
Should be 1/3. Forwarding a message is NOT talking to each other.
Message posted on 2023-11-10 18:20:47
KarenM disagreed with the rating and said:
This movie is offensive in its use of women as mere props to support the achievements (however dubious) of men. And the absolutely unnecessary nudity exists only to ensure men who might not otherwise sit through a three hour film remain engaged in hopes there will be more of it to reward their patience. Absolute nonsense!
Message posted on 2023-12-04 18:17:49
Adam said:
I disagree with GreGG. 2/3 is an accurate rating. Two clearly named women spoke to each other. That passes the test. Just because one of them was passing along a message doesn’t mean they aren’t talking to each other. If Oppenheimer was a woman, then this conversation would pass all 3 tests. Thus this is clearly a 2/3 rating.