This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by AlexanderLXXXIV on 2010-07-03 14:41:53.
No reviews listed.
Charlotte said:
There are more than two women in the film: the woman in the 'Singing in the Rain' scene, Alex's mother, the woman in the house with the cats, the two young women who go home with Alex, the psychologist who shows Alex the picture of the peacock, the singer in the pub. There may be others I haven't remembered but there are definitely more than two.
Message posted on 2011-02-07 22:26:21
Charlotte said:
There are more than two women in the film: the woman in the 'Singing in the Rain' scene, Alex's mother, the woman in the house with the cats, the two young women who go home with Alex, the psychologist who shows Alex the picture of the peacock, the singer in the pub. There may be others I haven't remembered but there are definitely more than two.
Message posted on 2011-02-07 22:26:28
j said:
The rule here is that the women must be named.
Message posted on 2011-07-08 06:00:38
Demut said:
What a bullshit entry. “A Clockwork Orange” easily passes the test. Let’s see here ...
Criteria 1: There is Miss Weathers, Doctor Branom and Doctor Taylor who all introduce themselves as such.
Criteria 2: The two girls that Alex chats up in the record store (Marty and Sonietta) talk with each other.
Criteria 3: About music, in fact, inquiring which record they should buy.
So now just look up the damn script and correct this preposterous entry already!
Message posted on 2012-06-20 10:50:19
neil (webmaster) said:
I've updated the rating from 0/3 to 3/3.
Message posted on 2012-06-20 18:07:33
Kristina Cobb said:
The previous poster is wrong. The women are not named in the scene, and they don't have a "conversation." One woman asks the other what she's getting and the other does not hear her nor respond. Also, she's mostly talking to Alex's character, who is standing right behind her. This scene does not show the women as actual thinking humans, but as Alex's brainless sex objects.
Message posted on 2012-12-02 04:36:28
Aingeal said:
Kristina Cobb is right. The two women Alex takes home are not having a 'conversation about music', they're lingering at a record stall for long enough for Alex to walk up to them and take them to bed.
Message posted on 2012-12-02 11:42:10
Ginger said:
This movie does not pass the spirit of the test. The women who talk to rack other have to be named. Alex's blow-up dolls are not named.
Message posted on 2013-08-10 02:35:36
Brian said:
First off, the two young women in the record store are named (Marty and Sonietta), though one of the actresses (the one with the line, actually) is not credited in the movie.
Second of all, instead of two women who "talk to each other", we have one women who has one line directed at another. Had Kubrick bothered to write even a single line response ("Uh, yeah, Heaven 17"), then this would have passed. The fact that he couldn't be bothered to do so is telling.
Message posted on 2013-11-17 22:55:31
Rik said:
Marty and Sonietta do have a brief exchange in the record store, but they are consulting each other to answer Alex's question, and although may be named in the screenplay, they are not named in the movie itself. It BARELY misses the second criteria, but I believe it does. I don't think this movie passes the test.
Message posted on 2016-06-16 18:15:17
neil (webmaster) said:
I've updated the rating from 3/3 to 1/3.
Message posted on 2016-06-18 17:00:09
Denise disagreed with the rating and said:
I disagree with the rating women in this movie are either being raped or killed in most scenes. None have names. The woman holding positions of value or subservient to men Ie a sexy simpleton nurse and a hatchet faced caricature of a board member who has no or very few lines. This doesn’t pass the bechdal test on any level.