This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by NessieNos on 2016-02-03 08:03:17.
No reviews listed.
NessieNos said:
There are a number of named female characters in the film, but they're all pretty minor roles, and they don't talk to each other at all, only to men. The closest we get to an exchange between women involves one character yelling vaguely in the direction of one woman standing several tables away in a club, and shouting a rhetorical question at a couple sitting in the same club.
Message posted on 2016-02-03 08:03:17
Mary said:
What a waste! Strong, named female roles -- but they never talk to each other. Would have been soooo easy to improve the script by connecting them. Scarlett Johansson is a tough, Esther Williams type swimming star. Tilda Swinton plays a double role as gossip columnists. Nicole, a woman producer's assistant basically runs the operation. The producer's devoted wife and mother is very shrewd. But they never talk to each other. Not a single woman among the dozens of members of the Communist Party cell - ahistorical, and duller than it needs to be. An unpleasant anti-communist twist, exactly opposite to 'Trumbo' mars the script.
Message posted on 2016-03-12 18:53:58
WaterDQ disagreed with the rating and said:
In the movie the twin sisters who happen to be reporters, show up a lot and they do end up interacting with each other after one of them sees the two stars having dinner together. They did talk about a man but it was about how he wronged them by promising them the same exclusive story.
Message posted on 2016-07-08 18:16:05
Joe Schmoe said:
Carlotta Valdes talks to one of the twin reporters (Swinton) but they are talking about the date Carlotta is on with Hobie (male).