This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by Anne on 2010-01-25 07:17:37.
No reviews listed.
Anne said:
Whether or not you count Eli as a girl (she says she's not), there are no conversations between any of the female characters. In spite of it being essentially a movie about Eli.
Message posted on 2010-01-25 07:17:37
Alex disagreed with the rating and said:
There is a conversation between Virginia and a nurse in the hospital asking if she'd open a window.
Message posted on 2011-04-08 16:12:25
j said:
@Alex Unnamed nurses don't count. And such requests don't count as conversations.
Message posted on 2011-07-08 08:40:46
Dwij said:
The nurse was not named, otherwise the request would have been counted as a conversation. And Eli IS a male, not a female. So it doesn't pass.