Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man

[[1]] Ladies In Retirement (1941) [imdb]

This movie passed 1 of 3 tests. It was entered by Therese on 2015-06-18 02:13:11.



Therese said:
The main characters are Ellen, Emily, and Louisa Creed. Ellen works for snobby, retired actress Miss Lenora Fiske, supporting her two mentally ill sisters who live in London. When the sisters' landlady tells Ellen to tell her that her sisters will be put out for their mentally deranged behavior, Ellen tales them to live briefly with her and Miss Fiske in the country. When Miss Fiske discovers that the sisters are dotty, she insists that they leave. Ellen begs for them to stay, but when Fiske refuses, Ellen sends her sisters to a convent for a short while, and strangles Miss Fiske, taking over the house for her and her sisters. There are many conversations between the sisters and other named female characters that have nothing to do with men at all! Starring Ida Lupino. It's a Victorian film noir!
Message posted on 2015-06-18 02:13:11
Karin disagreed with the rating and said:
I believe the rating was entered wrong here; the commenter above clearly proved their case that this passed the 3 tests! Here to say this is a great noir that I haven't seen in years, but even my memory tells me this certainly surpassed the test.
Message posted on 2021-01-25 22:56:34
Defiant disagreed with the rating and said:
Almost all of the characters are named women, and they talk about plenty of things, rarely about men.
Message posted on 2022-09-24 16:03:10

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