Bechdel Test Movie List

/bech·del test/ n.
1. It has to have at least two [named] women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something besides a man


There are 9802 movies in the database, 5594 (57.1%) of which pass all three tests, 1000 (10.2%) pass two tests, 2124 (21.7%) pass one test and 1084 (11.1%) pass no tests at all.

A total of 17004 comments are available for 8129 movies, and there are 371 links to reviews available, for 246 movies.


[Percentage of movies matching how many tests]

[Test matches per year (cumulative)]

Another way to view the data from the above graph is in horizontal bars, which gives better insight in the exact number of matches per test per year.

To give an idea of how active the site is, the next graph shows the number of movies added to the list, per month.

[Number of movies added per month]


The data is stored in a MySQL database and served using a CGI::Application Perl script. An API is available.

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